
Screenshot of the UI


Recently large public datasets became available for training CNN models. We used a public dataset of skin disorders and Computer Vision to diagnose diseases using the camera feed. This tool enables preliminary diagnosis for a skin disorder to then be checked with a doctor.

What it does

Takes pictures of skin moles and uses a CNN utilizing fast feature extraction from the VGG network to return a possible diagnosis for a skin disorder.

Tech Specs

  • GCP
  • Android Native
  • Android Material Design
  • Volley (for handling requests)

Challenges we ran into

Figuring out why GCP returns so many [502s]. Giving our native Android application a usable feel. Sending byte arrays of images packed into JSON. (Did we even do this correctly? I guess what matters is that it worked. Though took some time for POSTS to arrive to the server because of the unreliable internet connection during our demo).

Mykola Maslych
Mykola Maslych
Computer Science PhD Candidate

My research interests include machine learning applied to 3D User interfaces and HCI in general.